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Application Note

Using MMX™ Instructions to Implement
Bilinear Interpolation of Video RGB Values

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  • 3.1. Format of the Procedure Parameters
  • 3.2. The Bilinear Interpolation Algorithm





    The media extension to the Intel Architecture (IA) instruction set includes single-instruction multiple-data (SIMD) instructions. This application note presents examples of code that use the new MMX instructions, PMULH, PSRLD and PADDW to perform a bilinear interpolation of RGB values. The performance improvement over traditional IA code is primarily due to the significantly faster MMX technology multiply instructions. These new instructions are faster because MMX technology allows multiple 16-bit multiplies in parallel. While the IA multiply instruction IMUL) takes 11 cycles for a 16-bit multiply on a Pentium®< processor, the MMX technology multiply instruction (PMULH) can perform four 16-bit multiplies with a through-put of only one cycle, with a three cycle latency.


    A common technique used for 3D rendering is to decompose the surface of objects into a large number of nearly planar triangles or rectangles. Their position in three-dimensional space is then mapped to the 2D display surface, and the individual triangles or rectangles drawn one pixel at a time. One technique for increasing the realism of the drawn image is to copy these triangles or rectangles from a bitmap image. These bitmaps are often called texture maps, since they are commonly used to represent texture-rich images such as wood grains.

    This application note discusses one aspect of this process: accurately determining the color to display at a single pixel on the display surface. Prior to calling this code, it is assumed that the 3D software has calculated the position within the texture map that corresponds to the pixel to be drawn. In this application note, we assume that this position is calculated with fixed-point arithmetic (as opposed to floating-point). For information about using MMX instructions to implement this calculation, see Using MMXTM Instructions to Implement Bilinear Interpolation of Video RGB Values, Application Note AP-541, (Order Number 243026). The texture map position of the source pixel is traditionally described in (u,v) coordinates, where the integer part of (u,v) denotes a pixel that is physically stored in the texture bitmap. The fractional parts of u and v represent displacements to positions in the texture in between pixels that are physically stored in the texture bitmap (see Figure 1).

    Figure 1. Bilinear Interpolation of RGB Color at Pixel (u,v)

    Bilinear interpolation uses a simple formula to estimate the color that would have been at the computed (u,v) coordinates if the texture map had been stored at a higher spatial resolution. Thus, bilinear interpolation can be interpreted as a time/space tradeoff. It allows the application to use smaller texture bitmaps, thus reducing storage space, at the cost of some extra computation time to do the bilinear interpolation. With MMX technology optimization, the cost of the computation time to perform the bilinear interpolation is significantly reduced. The bilinear interpolation formula is:

         R_result = R1 * (1 - dU) * (1 - dV) +
    R2 * (dU) * (1 - dV) +
    R3 * (1 - dU) * (dV) +
    R4 * (dU) * (dV)
    G_result = G1 * (1 - dU) * (1 - dV) +
    G2 * (dU) * (1 - dV) +
    G3 * (1 - dU) * (dV) +
    G4 * (dU) * (dV)
    B_result = B1 * (1 - dU) * (1 - dV) +
    B2 * (dU) * (1 - dV) +
    B3 * (1 - dU) * (dV) +
    B4 * (dU) * (dV)


    This section describes the MMX-BilinearInterpolate procedure.

    3.1. Format of the Procedure Parameters

    The parameters of the MMX-BilinearInterpolate procedure are: a pointer to a texture map, TextureMap; a pointer to a color lookup table, ColorLookupTable; combined u/ u value; combined v/ values; and a pointer to the return RGB value

    The TextureMap array is a two-dimensional array of 8-bit indexes into the ColorLookupTable MMX-BilinearInterpolate expects the TextureMap array to be padded to 128 in the y dimension. When this padding is done, address calculations involving two-dimensional indexing into TextureMap can be performed by a simple left shift by 7 rather than by a multiply. For convenience, the example in this application note hard codes this value. A few simple changes to the code would allow this value to be passed as parameter.

    The procedure also expects that the RGB values in the ColorLookupTable have been formatted as a quadword; where R, G, and B, values have been placed into the upper 8 bits of the 16-bit field. The range of RGB values is from binary 0 to 0xff00. Since the MMX technology PMULH instruction operates on signed numbers, these values are expected to be in the binary range 0 to 0x7f10. Typically, color lookup tables are small and rarely initialized, so preformatting them in this fashion as part of an application's outer loop is not expensive and greatly improves the efficiency of the bilinear interpolation procedure.

    The parameters u/u, and v/v should each be formatted as an unsigned long-word, where the upper 10 bits is the u (or v) value, and the lower 22 bits is the u (or v) value. This is a typical format, because it allows efficient calculation of the position of the source pixel in the texture map, and supports texture maps up to 1024 pixels wide (a practical upper limit). The procedure extracts the u and v values by extending the 10-bit u and v values to 16 bits. The delta values are extracted by keeping the 16 most significant bits, resulting in unsigned binary values in the binary range of 0 to 0xffff. However, as discussed above, the MMX technology PMULH instruction operates on signed numbers rather than unsigned numbers. After extracting the values from the 32-bit long-word into 16-bit quantities, the procedure scales them to a binary range of 0 to 7ffff.

    3.2. The Bilinear Interpolation Algorithm

    There are three MMX technology multiply instructions, PMADD, PMULH, and PMULL. The PMADD instruction results in a 32-bit quantity, the PMULH and PMULL high each result in 16-bit quantities, but they keep only the upper or lower 16 bits respectively of the actual 32-bit result. Examination of the possible range of the input values to the procedure showed that using the PMULL instruction and keeping the upper 16 bits of a multiply result kept enough precision to produce correct final RGB results, as long as the color lookup table's RGB values were formatted to exist (scaled) in the upper 9 bits of the 16-bit RGB format (as discussed above).

    The MMX technology multiply instructions perform multiplies on 16-bit data. The packed multiply and add instruction (PMADD) performs a multiply/accumulate operation by multiplying 16 by 16 bits into a 32-bit result that is added into a 32-bit accumulated value. The packed multiply high and packed high low instructions (PMULH and PMULL respectively) multiply 16 by 16 bits into a 32-bit result, but keep only 16 bits; PMULH keeps only the high order 16 bits, and PMULL keeps only the low order bits.

    The MMX technology multiply instructions all multiply each 16-bit word in an MMX register in parallel. However, the PMADD instruction results in 32-bit double words, which allows only two multiplies in parallel. The PMULH and PMULL instructions result in 16-bit words, so when using one of these instructions it is possible to perform up to four multiplies in parallel. An example of register packing used in the MMX-BilinearInterpolate procedure is shown in Figure 2.

    Figure 2: MMXTM Register Packing

    The (1-u) term should be calculated as (0x8000 - u), but in order for the (1 - u) values to always be positive, (1-u) and (1-v)are calculated as(0x7fff - u). The scaling and multiply flow for the (1-u) * (1-v) term is shown in Figure 3. Using register packing and multiply flow allows the R, G, and B terms to be calculated in two multiplies, meaning that the entire bilinear interpolation formula takes only eight multiplies. In contrast, using the IA IMUL instruction to perform the bilinear interpolation requires 24 multiplies. Note that the resulting RGB remain in the lower 8 bits of their respective 16-bit fields to simplify pixel display by the calling procedure.

    Figure 3. Scaling and Multiply Flow for R1*(1-dU)*(1-dV)

    3.2. Optimizing the Bilinear Interpolation Algorithm

    An optimized version of the MMX-BilinearInterpolate algorithm is shown in Appendix A, and a scalar version is shown in Appendix B. Two major optimization issues in the MMX-BilinearInterpolate procedure were instruction pairing and register dependence, and the three cycle latency associated with the result of a PMULH instruction (if the result of a PMULH is used before three cycles, cycles are inserted while the processor waits for the result. We advise scheduling instructions that don't depend on the result of the PMULH during these otherwise lost cycles). The fact that MMX technology moves to and from memory can only be paired with MMX instructions that are register/register instructions, and that PMULH can only be paired with scalar instructions, causes some minor pairing issues. Consequently, some minor recoding was done to allow for greater instruction pairing.

    The scalar version of the MMX-BilinearInterpolate (see Appendix B) took 95 cycles to complete. After optimization (see Appendix A), the procedure took 66 cycles to complete. This optimization is due almost entirely to careful instruction pairing and instruction ordering to avoid the three cycle penalty associated with the PMULH instruction. For comparison, Appendix C has a C language source code version that operates using 32-bit unsigned multiplies where possible. Using MSVC 2.2, global optimization, and optimization for speed, this C language version was compiled and measured to take 259 clocks to complete. Even accounting for the fact that the C language source might itself be optimized to allow for better code generation, the version of the MMX-BilinearInterpolate procedure will probably be over 100 percent faster. As mentioned above, most of this improvement is due to the fact that in the MMX-BilinearInterpolate algorithm, eight PMULH multiplies at effectively one cycle each are performed to obtain a result, in comparison to the 24 IMUL multiplies taking 10 cycles each that are performed in the code.


    ; 'C' function prototype:
    ; void
    ; MMx_BiLinearInterpolate (BYTE       TextureMap[][128],
    ;                          RGBQWORD   ColorLookupTable[],
    ;                          DWORD      dwUVal,
    ;                          DWORD      dwVVal,
    ;                          LPRGBQWORD lpRGBOut)
    ; Abstract:  this routine determines the bilinear interpolation of a RGB
    ;            value at (U,V) in a transformed space, given a pointer to the
    ;            orginal texture map, and a colorlookup table for that texture
    ;            map.
    ;            the texture map was converted for effeciency, from a
    ;            [58][72] byte array, to a [58][128] byte array with the
    ;            elements from [j][72] to [j][127] unused.
    ;            the color lookup table is a 256 element array, where each
    ;            element is a RGBQWORD (see below).
    ;            the U and V elements are formatted as 32-bit numbers where
    ;            the upper 10 bits are the integer portion, and the lower
    ;            22 bits are the fractional portion of the (U,V) point whose
    ;            color is being interpolated.
    ;            NOTE: the fractional delta values are scaled
    ;                   from 0 - 0xffff.
    ;             scale them down
    ;                   to   0 - 0x7fff
    ;             to avoid signed/unsigned multiply issues
    ;            the RGBQWORD is defined in 'C' as:
    ;             typedef struct {
    ;                 WORD wB;
    ;                 WORD wG;
    ;                 WORD wR;
    ;                 WORD wUnused;
    ;             } RGBQWORD, FAR *LPRGBQWORD;
    ;             the values in the ColorLookupTable have been pre-formatted so that the RGB 
    ;             values are in bits 7-15.
    ;             The intepolation can be depicted as:
    ;                 |           |          |
    ;            RGB 1|      RGB 2|          |
    ;             ----+-----------+----------+----
    ;                 |        ^             |
    ;                 |        | delta       |
    ;                 |  (U,V) |  V          |
    ;                 |        v             |
    ;                 |<------>*  |          |
    ;                 |  delta    |          |
    ;                 |  U        |          |
    ;             ----+-----------+----------+----
    ;            RGB 3|      RGB 4|          |
    ;                 |           |          |
    ;                 |           |          |
    ;     R_result = R1 * (1 - delta U) * (1 - delta V) +
    ;                R2 * (delta U) * (1 - delta V) +
    ;                R3 * (1 - delta U) * (delta V) +
    ;                R4 * (delta U) * (delta V)
    ;     G_result = G1 * (1 - delta U) * (1 - delta V) +
    ;                G2 * (delta U) * (1 - delta V) +
    ;                G3 * (1 - delta U) * (delta V) +
    ;                G4 * (delta U) * (delta V)
    ;     B_result = B1 * (1 - delta U) * (1 - delta V) +
    ;                B2 * (delta U) * (1 - delta V) +
    ;                B3 * (1 - delta U) * (delta V) +
    ;                B4 * (delta U) * (delta V)
    ;     the computations are performed in 15 bits, with the multiplies resulting
    ;     in 31/30-bits, with 16-bit precision being recovered at the final result.
    ;     Note: the shifts are 'performed' by pmulh.
    ;     30 bits       15 bits         15 bits
    ;     result =   (1 - delta U) * (1 - delta V)
    ;     then,
    ;     30 bits    15 bits
    ;     result = result >> 15
    ;     then,
    ;     31 bits   16 bits    15 bits
    ;     value   = R1      * result
    ;     then,
    ;     31 bits    16 bits
    ;     value  = value >> 15
    ;     NOTE: we leave the results in the lower 8 bits to simplify the pixel display
    ;           by calling procedure.  
    ;    MASM 6.11D
    ;    (functions contained in this source module)
    ; MMX_BiLinearInterpolate()
    TAG     STRUCT 2t
            wB      WORD        ?
            wG      WORD        ?
            wR      WORD        ?
            wUnused WORD        ?
    TAG     ENDS
    ; location of local vars on the stack
    SAVEESP             EQU DWORD PTR [esp+0]
    RGB1                EQU DWORD PTR [esp+8]
    RGB2                EQU DWORD PTR [esp+16]
    RGB3                EQU DWORD PTR [esp+24]
    RGB4                EQU DWORD PTR [esp+32]
    QTEMP               EQU DWORD PTR [esp+40]
    QTEMP1              EQU DWORD PTR [esp+48]
    ENDOFLOCALS         EQU DWORD PTR [esp+56]
    LocalFrameSize      = 56
    MMx_BiLinearInterpolate PROC PUBLIC,
        TextureMap          : PTR DWORD,
        ColorLookupTable    : PTR DWORD,
        dwUVal              : DWORD,
        dwVVal              : DWORD,
        lpRGBOut            : PTR DWORD
    ;   push					; THE ASSEMBLER actually generates this
    ;   mov     ebp, esp   			; THE ASSEMBLER actually generates this
        sub     esp, LocalFrameSize
        mov	SAVEESP, ebp		;save original esp to restore in epilgue
        push    edx
        and	esp, 0fffffff8h		;8-byte align start of local stack frame
        mov     eax, dwUVal     		; get dwUVal from parameter list.
        mov     edx, dwVVal    		; get dwVVal from parameter list.
        mov     esi, eax        		; save dwUVal.
        push    ebx
        mov     ecx, edx        		; save dwVVal.
        shr     eax, 22      		; get integer portion of dwUVal
        push    esi
        push    ecx
        and     esi, 3fffffH
        shr     edx, 22         		; get integer portion of dwVVal
        and     eax, 0000ffffH   		; eax = 0, U
        shr     esi, 7      		; shift by 7 instead of 6 to provide the 0-0x7fff scaling
        and     ecx, 3fffffH
        shr     ecx, 7         		; shift by 7 instead of 6 to provide the 0-0x7fff scaling
        mov     ebx, esi       		; ebx = 0, dU
        shl     edx, 7           		; edx=V*128; 128 is hardcoded pitch value
        push    edi
        shl     ebx, 16      		; ebx = dU, 0
        and     edx, 0000ffffH  		; edx = 0, V
        or      ebx, esi      		; ebx = dU, dU
        mov     edi, ecx     		; edi = 0, dV
        shl     edi, 16    			; edi = dV, 0
        mov     QTEMP, ebx  		;
        and     esi, 0000ffffH 		; esi = 0, dU
        or      edi, ecx     		; edi = dV, dV
        and     ecx, 0000ffffH     
        mov     QTEMP+4, ebx
        mov     QTEMP1, edi
        mov     QTEMP1+4, edi
        movq    mm4, QTEMP			; mm4 =   dU   |  dU  ||   dU   | dU
        movq    mm5, QTEMP1  		; mm5 =   dV   |  dV  ||   dV   |  dV
        movq    mm1, mm4     		; mm1 =   dU   |  dU  ||   dU   |  dU
        mov     edi, 7fffH                
        mov     ebx, 7fffH                
        sub     edi, ecx     		; edi = 0, 1-dV
        sub     ebx, esi     		; ebx = 0, 1-dU
        mov     ecx, edi 			; ecx = 0, 1-dV
        mov     esi, ebx    		; esi = 0, 1-dU
        shl     ecx, 16     		; ecx = 1-dV, 0
        add     edx, eax     		; edx = U + V*128
        shl     esi, 16       		; esi = 1-dU, 0
        add     edx, TextureMap 		; edx = &TextureMap[U+V*128]
        or      edi, ecx      		; edx = 1-dV, 1-dV
        or      ebx, esi     		; ebx = 1-dU, 1-dU
        mov     QTEMP, edi  		;
        mov     cl, BYTE PTR [edx]	; bl = TextureMap[U+V*128]
        mov     eax, ColorLookupTable	; &ColorLookupTable[0]
        and     ecx, 000000ffH
        mov     QTEMP1, ebx        	;
        mov     QTEMP1+4, ebx    		;
        movq    mm6, QTEMP1      		; mm6 =  1-dU  | 1-dU ||  1-dU  | 1-dU
        movq    mm3, mm4          	; mm3 =   dU   |  dU  ||   dU   |  dU
        mov     QTEMP+4, edi      	;
        lea     ecx, [eax+ecx*8]   	; ebx = &ColorLookupTable[bl]
        movq    mm7, QTEMP         	; mm7 =  1-dV  | 1-dV ||  1-dV  | 1-dV
        movq    mm0, mm6         		; mm0 =  1-dU  | 1-dU ||  1-dU  | 1-dU
        pmulhw  mm1, mm7          	; compute (dU) * (1 - dV)
        movq    mm2, mm6           	; mm2 =  1-dU  | 1-dU ||  1-dU  | 1-dU
        pmulhw  mm0, mm7           	; compute (1 - dU) * (1 - dV)    
        mov     bl, BYTE PTR [edx+1] 	; bl = TextureMap[U+V*128+1]
        pmulhw  mm2, mm5       		; compute (1 - dU) * (dV)
        and     ebx, 000000ffh
        pmulhw  mm3, mm5     		; compute (dU) * (dV)
        pop     edi          		;
        movq    mm4, mm0      		; mm4 = (1-dU)(1-dV)
        movq    mm5, mm1      		; mm5 = (dU)(1-dV)
        movq    mm0, [ecx]         	; mm0 =    xxxx    |       R1       ||       G1       |      B1
        movq    mm6, mm2         		; mm6 = (1-dU)(dV)
        lea     ebx, [eax+ebx*8]    	; ebx = &ColorLookupTable[bl]
        mov     cl, BYTE PTR [edx+128]	; bl = TextureMap[U+V*128+128]
    ;     NOTE: we leave the results in the lower 8 bits to simplify 
    						;the pixel display
    ;           by calling procedure.  
        pmulhw  mm0, mm4            	; mm0 =    xxxx    | R1(1-dU)(1-dV) || 
    						;G1(1-dU)(1-dV) | B1(1-dU)(1-dV) 
        and     ecx, 000000ffH
        movq    mm1, [ebx]        	; mm1 =    xxxx    |       R2       ||     
    						;  G2       |      B2
        movq    mm7, mm3        		; mm7 = (dU)(dV)
        pmulhw  mm1, mm5          	; mm1 =    xxxx    |  R2(dU)(1-dV)  ||  
    						;G2(dU)(1-dV)  |  B2(dU)(1-dV) 
        lea     ecx, [eax+ecx*8]   	; ebx = &ColorLookupTable[bl]
        pop     esi
        mov     bl, BYTE PTR [edx+128+1]	; bl = TextureMap[U+V*128+128+1]
        movq    mm2, [ecx]           	; mm2 =    xxxx    |       R3       ||   
    						;    G3       |      B3
        psrlw   mm0, 5                	; 
        pmulhw  mm2, mm6              	; mm2 =    xxxx    |  R3(1-dU)(dV)  ||
    						;  G3(1-dU)(dV)  |  B3(1-dU)(dV) 
        and     ebx, 000000ffH
        lea     ebx, [eax+ebx*8]     	; ebx = &ColorLookupTable[bl]  
        psrlw   mm1, 5               	;
        movq    mm3, [ebx]         	; mm3 =    xxxx    |       R4      
    						; ||       G4       |      B4
        paddw   mm0, mm1
        pmulhw  mm3, mm7             	; mm3 = xxxx  | R4(dU)(dV) ||  G4(dU)(dV) 							;|   B4(dU)(dV)  
        psrlw   mm2, 5                	;
        pop     edx                   	;
        pop     ecx                    	;
        paddw   mm2, mm0
        psrlw   mm3, 5                 	;
        mov     eax, lpRGBOut     
        paddw   mm2, mm3 
        movq    [eax], mm2
        emms                      	; clear the FP stack
        pop     ebx                  	;
    ;   leave                        	; THE ASSEMBLER actually generates this
        ret     0                    	;
    MMX_BiLinearInterpolate ENDP


    ; 'C' function prototype:
    ; void
    ; MMx_BiLinearInterpolate (BYTE       TextureMap[][128],
    ;                          RGBQWORD   ColorLookupTable[],
    ;                          DWORD      dwUVal,
    ;                          DWORD      dwVVal,
    ;                          LPRGBQWORD lpRGBOut)
    ; Abstract:  This routine determines the bilinear interpolation of a RGB
    ;            value at (U,V) in a transformed space, given a pointer to the
    ;            orginal texture map, and a colorlookup table for that texture
    ;            map.
    ;            The texture map was converted for effeciency, from a
    ;            [58][72] byte array, to a [58][128] byte array with the
    ;            elements from [j][72] to [j][127] unused.
    ;            The color lookup table is a 256 element array, where each
    ;            element is a RGBQWORD (see below).
    ;            The U and V elements are formatted as 32-bit numbers where
    ;            the upper 10 bits are the integer portion, and the lower
    ;            22 bits are the fractional portion of the (U,V) point whose
    ;            color is being interpolated.
    ;            NOTE: the fractional delta values are scaled
    ;                   from 0 - 0xffff.
    ;             Scale them down
    ;                   to   0 - 0x7fff
    ;             to avoid signed/unsigned multiply issues
    ;            The RGBQWORD is defined in 'C' as:
    ;             typedef struct {
    ;                 WORD wB;
    ;                 WORD wG;
    ;                 WORD wR;
    ;                 WORD wUnused;
    ;             } RGBQWORD, FAR *LPRGBQWORD;
    ;             The values in the ColorLookupTable have been 
    ;             pre-formatted so that the RGB values are in bits 7-15.
    ;             The intepolation can be depicted as:
    ;                 |           |          |
    ;            RGB 1|      RGB 2|          |
    ;             ----+-----------+----------+----
    ;                 |        ^             |
    ;                 |        | delta       |
    ;                 |  (U,V) |  V          |
    ;                 |        v             |
    ;                 |<------>*  |          |
    ;                 |  delta    |          |
    ;                 |  U        |          |
    ;             ----+-----------+----------+----
    ;            RGB 3|      RGB 4|          |
    ;                 |           |          |
    ;                 |           |          |
    ;     R_result = R1 * (1 - delta U) * (1 - delta V) +
    ;                R2 * (delta U) * (1 - delta V) +
    ;                R3 * (1 - delta U) * (delta V) +
    ;                R4 * (delta U) * (delta V)
    ;     G_result = G1 * (1 - delta U) * (1 - delta V) +
    ;                G2 * (delta U) * (1 - delta V) +
    ;                G3 * (1 - delta U) * (delta V) +
    ;                G4 * (delta U) * (delta V)
    ;     B_result = B1 * (1 - delta U) * (1 - delta V) +
    ;                B2 * (delta U) * (1 - delta V) +
    ;                B3 * (1 - delta U) * (delta V) +
    ;                B4 * (delta U) * (delta V)
    ;     The computations are performed in 15 bits, with the multiplies resulting
    ;     in 31/30-bits, with 16-bit precision being recovered at the final result.
    ;     Note: the shifts are 'performed' by pmulh.
    ;     30 bits       15 bits         15 bits
    ;     result =   (1 - delta U) * (1 - delta V)
    ;     then,
    ;     30 bits    15 bits
    ;     result = result >> 15
    ;     then,
    ;     31 bits   16 bits    15 bits
    ;     value   = R1      * result
    ;     then,
    ;     31 bits    16 bits
    ;     value  = value >> 15
    ;     NOTE: We leave the results in the lower 8 bits to 
    ;           simplify the pixel display by calling procedure.   
    ;    MASM 6.11D
    ;    (functions contained in this source module)
    ; MMX_BiLinearInterpolate()
    TAG     STRUCT 2t
            wB      WORD        ?
            wG      WORD        ?
            wR      WORD        ?
            wUnused WORD        ?
    TAG     ENDS
    ; location of parameters on the stack
    TextureMap          = 8
    ColorLookupTable    = 12
    dwUVal              = 16
    dwVVal              = 20
    lpRGBOut            = 24
    ; location of local vars on the stack
    RGB1                = -8
    RGB2                = -16
    RGB3                = -24
    RGB4                = -32
    QTEMP               = -40
    MMx_BiLinearInterpolate PROC PUBLIC
        push    ebp
        mov     ebp, esp
        sub     esp, 40            	; reserve space for locals.
        push    ebx
        push    ecx
        push    edx
        push    esi
        push    edi
        ; get fractional parts
        ; of U from the dwUVal parameter on
        ; the stack:
        mov     eax, dwUVal[ebp] 		; get dwUVal from parameter list.
        mov     esi, eax        		; save dwUVal.
        and     esi, 3fffffH
        shr     esi, 7         		; extract bottom 22 bits from dwUVal.
                               		; (NOTE: we shift by 7 instead of 6
                               		;  to provide the 0-0x7fff scaling)
        and     esi, 0000ffffH 		; esi = dU
        shr     eax, 22        		; get integer portion of dwUVal
        and     eax, 0000ffffH 		; eax = U
        mov     edx, dwVVal[ebp]		; get dwVVal from parameter list.
        mov     ecx, edx        		; save dwVVal.
        and     ecx, 3fffffH
        shr     ecx, 7         		; extract bottom 22 bits from dwVVal.
                               		; (NOTE: we shift by 7 instead of 6
                               		;  to provide the 0-0x7fff scaling)
        and     ecx, 0000ffffH 		; ecx = dV
        shr     edx, 22        		; get integer portion of dwVVal
        and     edx, 0000ffffH 		; edx = V
        shl     edx, 7         		; multiply the V value by 128,
                               		; to account for the pitch of
                               		; TextureMap[][128] array.
                               		; (edx = V*pitch.)
        ; build the multiply quadwords
        mov     ebx, esi        			; ebx = 0, dU
        shl     ebx, 16         			; ebx = dU, 0
        or      ebx, esi        			; ebx = dU, dU
        mov     QTEMP[ebp], ebx			;
        mov     QTEMP[ebp+4], ebx 		;
        movq    mm4, QTEMP[ebp] 			; mm4 =   dU   |  dU  ||   dU   | dU
        mov     ebx, 7fffH                
        and     esi, 0000ffffH              
        sub     ebx, esi       			; ebx = 0, 1-dU
        mov     esi, ebx       			; esi = 0, 1-dU
        shl     esi, 16       			; esi = 1-dU, 0
        or      ebx, esi         			; ebx = 1-dU, 1-dU
        mov     QTEMP[ebp], ebx  			;
        mov     QTEMP[ebp+4], ebx  		;
        movq    mm1, mm4         			; mm1 =   dU   |  dU  ||   dU   |  dU
        movq    mm6, QTEMP[ebp]   		; mm6 =  1-dU  | 1-dU ||  1-dU  | 1-dU
        mov     ebx, ecx       			; ebx = 0, dV
        shl     ebx, 16        			; ebx = dV, 0
        or      ebx, ecx       			; ebx = dV, dV
        mov     QTEMP[ebp], ebx			;
        mov     QTEMP[ebp+4], ebx			;
        movq    mm5, QTEMP[ebp] 			; mm5 =   dV   |  dV  ||   dV   |  dV
        movq    mm0, mm6         			; mm0 =  1-dU  | 1-dU ||  1-dU  | 1-dU
        mov     ebx, 7fffH                
        and     ecx, 0000ffffH     
        sub     ebx, ecx         			; ebx = 0, 1-dV
        mov     ecx, ebx         			; ecx = 0, 1-dV
        shl     ecx, 16          			; ecx = 1-dV, 0
        or      ebx, ecx          		; ebx = 1-dV, 1-dV
        mov     QTEMP[ebp], ebx 			;
        mov     QTEMP[ebp+4], ebx 		;
        movq    mm7, QTEMP[ebp]  			; mm7 =  1-dV  | 1-dV ||  1-dV  | 1-dV
        movq    mm3, mm4         			; mm3 =   dU   |  dU  ||   dU   |  dU
        pmulhw  mm0, mm7         			; compute (1 - dU) * (1 - dV)    
        pmulhw  mm1, mm7       			; compute (dU) * (1 - dV)
        movq    mm2, mm6         			; mm2 =  1-dU  | 1-dU ||  1-dU  | 1-dU
        pmulhw  mm3, mm5        			; compute (dU) * (dV)
        pmulhw  mm2, mm5   				; compute (1 - dU) * (dV)
        movq    mm4, mm0     			; mm4 = (1-dU)(1-dV)
        movq    mm5, mm1    			; mm5 = (dU)(1-dV)
        movq    mm6, mm2     			; mm6 = (1-dU)(dV)
        movq    mm7, mm3    			; mm7 = (dU)(dV)
        add     edx, eax    			; edx = U + V*128
        mov     eax, ColorLookupTable[ebp]	; &ColorLookupTable[0]
        add     edx, TextureMap[ebp]      	; edx = &TextureMap[U+V*128]
        ;     NOTE: We leave the results in the lower 8 bits to simplify
    ;               the pixel display by calling procedure.   
        ; compute:
        ; R1 * (1 - dU) * (1 - dV)
        ; G1 * (1 - dU) * (1 - dV)
        ; B1 * (1 - dU) * (1 - dV)
        xor     ebx, ebx
        mov     bl, BYTE PTR [edx]    		; bl = TextureMap[U+V*128]
        lea     ebx, [eax+ebx*8]       		; ebx = &ColorLookupTable[bl]
        movq    mm0, [ebx]            		; mm0 =    xxxx    |       R1       ||       G1       |      B1
        pmulhw  mm0, mm4              		; mm0 =    xxxx    | R1(1-dU)(1-dV) || G1(1-dU)(1-dV) | B1(1-dU)(1-dV) 
        psrlw   mm0, 5                		; 
        ; compute:
        ; R2 * (dU) * (1 - dV)
        ; G2 * (dU) * (1 - dV)
        ; B2 * (dU) * (1 - dV)
        xor     ebx, ebx              		;
        mov     bl, BYTE PTR [edx+1]  		; bl = TextureMap[U+V*128+1]
        lea     ebx, [eax+ebx*8]      		; ebx = &ColorLookupTable[bl]
        movq    mm1, [ebx]            		; mm1 =    xxxx    |       R2       ||       G2       |      B2
        pmulhw  mm1, mm5              		; mm1 =    xxxx    |  R2(dU)(1-dV)  ||  G2(dU)(1-dV)  |  B2(dU)(1-dV) 
        psrlw   mm1, 5                		;
        ; compute:
        ; R3 * (1-dU) * (dV)
        ; G3 * (1-dU) * (dV)
        ; B3 * (1-dU) * (dV)
        xor     ebx, ebx             		;
        mov     bl, BYTE PTR [edx+128]		; bl = TextureMap[U+V*128+128]
        lea     ebx, [eax+ebx*8]      		; ebx = &ColorLookupTable[bl]
        movq    mm2, [ebx]            		; mm2 =    xxxx    |       R3       ||       G3       |      B3
        pmulhw  mm2, mm6              		; mm2 =    xxxx    |  R3 (1-dU)(dV)  ||  G3(1-dU)(dV)  |  B3(1-dU)(dV) 
        psrlw   mm2, 5                		;
        ; compute:
        ; R4 * (dU) * (dV)
        ; G4 * (dU) * (dV)
        ; B4 * (dU) * (dV)
        xor     ebx, ebx
        mov     bl, BYTE PTR [edx+128+1]	; bl = TextureMap[U+V*128+128+1]
        lea     ebx, [eax+ebx*8]        	; ebx = &ColorLookupTable[bl]
        movq    mm3, [ebx]              	; mm3 =    xxxx    |       R4       ||       G4       |      B4
        pmulhw  mm3, mm7                	; mm3 =    xxxx    |   R4(dU)(dV)   ||   G4(dU)(dV)   |   B4(dU)(dV) 
        psrlw   mm3, 5                  	;
        ; now add'm up...
        paddw   mm0, mm1
        paddw   mm2, mm3
        paddw   mm0, mm2
        ; save the result out into lpRGBOut
        mov     ebx, lpRGBOut[ebp]
        movq    [ebx], mm0
                                        	; restore stack
        pop     edi                     	;
        pop     esi                     	;
        pop     edx                     	;
        pop     ecx
        pop     ebx                     	;
        mov     esp, ebp
        pop     ebp                     	;
        emms                            	; clear the FP stack
        ret     0                       	;
    MMX_BiLinearInterpolate ENDP


    Abstract:  This routine determines the bilinear interpolation of a RGB
               value at (U,V) in a transformed space, given a pointer to the
               orginal texture map, and a colorlookup table for that texture
               The texture map was converted for effeciency, from a
               [58][72] byte array, to a [58][128] byte array with the
               elements from [j][72] to [j][127] unused.
               The color lookup table is a 256 element array, where each
               element is a RGBQWORD (see below).
               The U and V elements are formatted as 32-bit numbers where
               the upper 10 bits are the integer portion, and the lower
               22 bits are the fractional delta portion of the (U,V) point whose
               color is being interpolated.
               NOTE: the fractional delta values are scaled
                      from 0 - 0xffff.
                scale them down
                      to   0 - 0x7fff
                to avoid signed/unsigned multiply issues
                (we do this in this 'c' code,
                 Although it is really only an issue for the
                 MMX assembly version, since MMX doesn't
                 support unsigned multiplys.
               The RGBQWORD is defined as:
                typedef struct {
                    WORD wB;
                    WORD wG;
                    WORD wR;
                    WORD wUnused;
                } RGBQWORD, FAR *LPRGBQWORD;
                The values in the ColorLookupTable have been pre-formatted
    ;           so that the RGB values are in bits 7-15.
               This routine returns as output, a RGBQWORD value into the
               LPRGBQWORD parameter
                The intepolation can be depicted as:
                    |           |          |
               RGB 1|      RGB 2|          |
                    |        ^             |
                    |        | delta       |
                    |  (U,V) |  V          |
                    |        v             |
                    |<------>*  |          |
                    |  delta    |          |
                    |  U        |          |
               RGB 3|      RGB 4|          |
                    |           |          |
                    |           |          |
        R_result = R1 * (1 - delta U) * (1 - delta V) +
                   R2 * (delta U) * (1 - delta V) +
                   R3 * (1 - delta U) * (delta V) +
                   R4 * (delta U) * (delta V)
        G_result = G1 * (1 - delta U) * (1 - delta V) +
                   G2 * (delta U) * (1 - delta V) +
                   G3 * (1 - delta U) * (delta V) +
                   G4 * (delta U) * (delta V)
        B_result = B1 * (1 - delta U) * (1 - delta V) +
                   B2 * (delta U) * (1 - delta V) +
                   B3 * (1 - delta U) * (delta V) +
                   B4 * (delta U) * (delta V)
    Environment:  MSVC v2.2
        (functions contained in this source module)
    #include <windows.h>
    #include "bilin.h"
    BiLinearInterpolate (BYTE       TextureMap[][128],
                         RGBQWORD   ColorLookupTable[],
                         DWORD      dwUVal,
                         DWORD      dwVVal,
                         LPRGBQWORD lpRGBOut)
        DWORD dwUDelta = (dwUVal & 0x003fffffL) >> 6;
        DWORD dwVDelta = (dwVVal & 0x003fffffL) >> 6;
        DWORD dwUInt   = dwUVal >> 22;
        DWORD dwVInt   = dwVVal >> 22;
        RGBQWORD RGB1 = ColorLookupTable[TextureMap[dwVInt][dwUInt]];
        RGBQWORD RGB2 = ColorLookupTable[TextureMap[dwVInt][dwUInt + 1]];
        RGBQWORD RGB3 = ColorLookupTable[TextureMap[dwVInt + 1][dwUInt]];
        RGBQWORD RGB4 = ColorLookupTable[TextureMap[dwVInt + 1][dwUInt + 1]];
        WORD w1, w2, w3, w4;
        DWORD dwTemp1, dwTemp2, dwTemp3, dwTemp4;
        dwTemp1 = (0x10000L - dwUDelta) * (0x10000L - dwVDelta);
        dwTemp2 = dwUDelta * (0x10000L - dwVDelta);
        dwTemp3 = (0x10000L - dwUDelta) * dwVDelta;
        dwTemp4 = dwUDelta * dwVDelta;
        dwTemp1 = dwTemp1 >> 16;
        dwTemp2 = dwTemp2 >> 16;
        dwTemp3 = dwTemp3 >> 16;
        dwTemp4 = dwTemp4 >> 16;
        // compute B
        w1 = RGB1.wB >> 7;
        w2 = RGB2.wB >> 7;
        w3 = RGB3.wB >> 7;
        w4 = RGB4.wB >> 7;
        lpRGBOut->wB = (WORD)(((w1 * dwTemp1) >> 16) +
                              ((w2 * dwTemp2) >> 16) +
                              ((w3 * dwTemp3) >> 16) +
                              ((w4 * dwTemp4) >> 16));
        //Note:  We leave the results in the lower 8 bits to simplify
        //       the pixel display by calling procedure.   
        // compute G
        w1 = RGB1.wG >> 7;
        w2 = RGB2.wG >> 7;
        w3 = RGB3.wG >> 7;
        w4 = RGB4.wG >> 7;
        lpRGBOut->wG = (WORD)(((w1 * dwTemp1) >> 16) +
                              ((w2 * dwTemp2) >> 16) +
                              ((w3 * dwTemp3) >> 16) +
                              ((w4 * dwTemp4) >> 16));
        // Note:  We leave the results in the lower 8 bits to
        //        simplify the pixel display by calling procedure.   
        // compute R
        w1 = RGB1.wR >> 7;
        w2 = RGB2.wR >> 7;
        w3 = RGB3.wR >> 7;
        w4 = RGB4.wR >> 7;
        lpRGBOut->wR = (WORD)((((DWORD)w1 * dwTemp1) >> 16) +
                              (((DWORD)w2 * dwTemp2) >> 16) +
                              (((DWORD)w3 * dwTemp3) >> 16) +
                              (((DWORD)w4 * dwTemp4) >> 16));
        // Note:  We leave the results in the lower 8 bits
        //       to simplify the pixel display by calling procedure.   

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